About Raid 409
The 2015 born band consisting of Mike “The Bench” Widmer (Guitar/Vocals), Iso “The Wall” Merkli (Guitar/Vocals), Dave “The Grey” Recio (Bass/Vocals) and Michael “The White Thunder” Weiss (Drums/Vocals) introduced themselves to the Rock community with their 6-track debut simply titled “EP” in 2017. Two years later they released six Singles which were later combined on the second Album Punket.
As you can say that two plus two equals four Raid 409 has been founded in 2015 in Zurich, Switzerland. Over the years the four guys developed a sound they call “Dynamic Punk Rock”. Tempo changes and influences of other music genres define their unique and energetic sound. It is an all new style to the scene which fits in perfectly. Recently they released a new EP called “Punket” with hits like “My Hand” and “Gravity Girl”.
All of them took their first steps in music during childhood. They followed the roots of the Punk scene and its values since teenage years which inspired all of them early on. A few projects and bands later, they found together in a pub. After a beer council Raid 409 has been founded and sealed with blood, sweat… and beer.
Their music is all about fighting against ignorance in stubborn societies with their old-fashioned norms and ways of thinking, racism in all its forms, profiling and corruption. On the other hand they celebrate love, equality, progression, freedom and liberalism.
Raid 409 is a DIY band but the guys still have manged to put themselves on the screen of bigger venues all around Switzerland such as the “Zürifäscht” (as the winners of a band contest), “Alte Kaserne Zurich”, “Dynamo Zurich” and “JungKult Festival” in St. Gallen. They also had an international gig and shot a music video called “Telephone” in London.
Songs like “Telephone”, “Wake Up Call” and “My Hand” have regular airplay on Radio SRF 3 (Swiss national radio), Radio Zürisee, Radio FM1 and appeared in famous Spotify playlists like “Skatepark Punks”, “The Pop-Punk Revolution” and “Rocky Roads”.
In February 2024 they released their first long player called “Blank”, which reached 200k streams in the first week.

New singe ‘Roommate’ out now!
Hey guys, Finally out new single ‘Roommate’ is out now! 🍾🤘 Just click the link and listen to it now: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/raid409/roommate The band Raid 409

New album “Blank” out now!
Our first album! Many thanks to Sebi from SOS Basement Recording Studio and our Street Team, Families and Friends! Artwork: Iso MerkliRecordings: SOS BASEMENT recordingstudio

New merchandise out!
Hey guys, We’re very happy to announce that our merch is now available online! Check out our new merch online here:https://raid-409-merch.myshopify.com/ Enjoy and order now!

New singles out and Radio 3Fach Interview
Hey guys, New singles out now and here are the purchase links: The Message:https://lnk.site/the-message Forever Restless (Many Many Times)https://lnk.site/forever-restless Also check out our interview with

Pre-order our new single “Free”
Hey guys, Free! Our new single coming on 17.09.21! Also we are DYI again, so no label anymore! 🍾🤘 Pre-sale starts now 😋! Thanks in

Our new single “Halfpipe” out now!
Hey guys, Finally our first single under our first record label deal is out now! 🍾🤘 Your support for less than two bucks would mean